Local residents snoop around solar farm
Hoogezand local residents rate Molenwaard solar farm in Hoogezand with a 7.5. This makes Novar's farm an exemplary project. Joran Kuperus, Asset Manager at Novar, comments on the communication with local residents: 'The involvement, genuine interest and ideas that local residents bring to this park is very special and typical of Molenwaard.' A beautiful project with a good appreciation from local residents that we as a company are very proud of.
Local residents embrace solar farm
Molenwaard is 35 hectares in size and is sandwiched between Woldweg, Burgemeester Van Roijenstraat-Oost and Gorechtlaan in Hoogezand. On the north side it is bordered by the Groningen-Bad Nieuweschans railroad line. The 90,000 solar panels supply the annual electricity consumption of 10,000 households. This saves ten million kilos of Co2 emissions annually. The site lay fallow for 20 years and was destined to become a residential area with 600 homes. Apartments of six to seven stories high were planned on the Gorechtlaan side.
Deer are now walking on this land, very special!Resident
Novar bought the land from the developer. Local residents embraced the project from the start. Better a solar farm in the backyard than a residential area with all the hustle and bustle it entails. While the realization of Windpark N33 near Meeden, on the other side of the municipality of Midden-Groningen, is a textbook example of how not to do it, Molenwaard is the exact opposite. Novar is proud of its 7.5 rating by local residents.
Resident evenings revealed the desire for landscaping. ''Of the 35 acres, 8 acres have been used as a buffer,'' said Joran Kuperus of Novar. The company held an excursion for local residents this week. About 40 interested people came for the walk with text and explanation. Paul Breevaart, a local resident, says the cooperation went well: ,,The deer have returned and we saw them a few weeks ago. The communication with Novar was handled well. Nothing but praise.''
A ditch has been dug around the park and a dike raised. This hides the solar panels from view. When asked if the solar panels can be touched, Novar replied that "you can, but it's not very fascinating. An additional advantage of a dike is that the panels are kept out of the wind. Kuperus: ,,At Marum, the solar panels are in an open field and when the wind gets below them, one sometimes wants to blow up.''
You can tell that sustainability is alive and well among these local residents.Joran Kuperus
Great commitment
Afterwards, Kuperus let it be known that it was a fun evening with a nice turnout. ,,Very typical of the Molenwaard solar farm's surroundings. Few parks have such high involvement of local residents. In addition, it is explainable because this solar farm is located in the middle of Kropswolde, in a residential area. A tour also offers us the opportunity to address questions, suggestions and points for improvement from local residents in an accessible way after completion.''
When asked what was the most striking thing during this project, Kuperus replied, "The large number of local residents who are really behind the energy transition. According to Molenwaard's local residents, they had a big voice in deciding what was going to be realized on the land. Besides the fact that the solar farm was one of the less intrusive projects compared to others, they are also happy that they are contributing to the energy transition. You notice that sustainability is alive and well among these local residents.''
Communication with Novar was handled well. Nothing but praise.Resident
,,The involvement, genuine interest and ideas that local residents bring to this park is very special and typical of Molenwaard. Because they have been involved from the beginning in the realization of this park through suggestions, and purchasing through solar collectors you notice a strong 'us' feeling. The park is also a little bit theirs.''
Source: newspaper of the north