Solar roof
Solar roof 3 min reading time

Solar panels business

With solar panels on your roof, you are the boss of your own energy. 100% sustainable electricity is financially attractive and contributes to a sustainable Netherlands. Novar makes the sun work for entrepreneurs with a roof of 3,000 m2 or more.

Getting a grip on your own energy

As a business owner, you want to be ready for tomorrow. That's why you choose to get a grip on your energy bill. By choosing business solar panels on your roof, you are able to generate 100% sustainable energy yourself. In addition, you ensure sustainable income with the proceeds from your solar energy. This way your company is less dependent on uncertain energy prices and you contribute to a green and healthy future.

Sustainable business

Choose sustainable business and make a positive impact on your business, environment and the planet. Now is the time to choose business solar energy. Because you can. And because you want to create something beautiful for the future. Solar panels on your roof not only provide sustainable income and reduce dependence on uncertain energy prices, but also increase the value of your business property. It's time to take action and choose pure profit.

Together with Novar

We are the experts in large-scale solar projects. Especially for solar roofs from 3,000 m2. We are involved in every stage of the process and understand what you need: the knowledge of a specialist, plus the freedom to decide for yourself how you want to tackle it. We are there for you with the knowledge and skills needed for every step of our joint solar projects.

  • Advice
  • Checking and arranging paperwork: SDE subsidy, construction check, building insurance, grid capacity and permit
  • Construction and connection
  • Management and maintenance
  • Also for energy storage

Why buy solar panels business?

Do you have a large commercial property? Then you probably incur many expenses. Think for example of the depreciation of the building and the cost of maintaining your premises. That's not all; energy prices have not become any cheaper either. But did you know that you can actually make money with your company roof? By purchasing solar panels from Novar, with a minimum of 3000m2, you generate income. We install the solar panels, maintain them and you make money! In addition to buying solar panels, Novar offers the possibility of leasing solar panels or renting out your company roof. This way you not only contribute to sustainable energy, but also to the value of your company.

Excellent return 

There are several reasons for buying solar panels for business. For example, you will receive an excellent return for the solar panels. There are also subsidies for businesses that invest in solar panels. The subsidies and tax benefits allow you to benefit from your investment. Moreover, as a company, you can reclaim the VAT on the solar panels, just like other business investments. A smart investment that therefore easily pays for itself.

What do business solar panels give me?

The yield of a solar roof, depends on the choices you make. Are you going to rent out a roof for solar panels or start your own solar project? Whatever choice you make: we will always stand beside you. That way we benefit from the sun together! We offer these options for a solar roof of at least 3,000 m2.

calculation example

Roof rental for solar panels

Do you rent out a 3,000m2 roof? Then you will receive +/- €4,500 revenue per year. So after 16 years you will have earned €72,000!

Want to know more? Request a no-obligation quote . That way, you earn money while doubly enjoying the sun. We will send you a tailored proposal within two working days.

Solar panels business: rent out roof, buy or lease

As an entrepreneur, you can choose to invest in solar panels yourself, provided you have enough capital or are willing to take out a loan. By choosing to buy solar panels, you significantly increase your return compared to renting or leasing solar panels. However, don't have enough money available for an investment, but want to save on energy costs immediately? Then you can choose to lease solar panels. This will not only save you directly on your energy bill, but you will also receive compensation for the use of your roof.

Request a consultation today

At Novar, we would like to improve the world with renewable energy. Only with enough support and the right partnerships can we take steps towards more green power and less CO2 emissions. Business investment in solar panels therefore means: business investment in the future. With solar panels for business, you know for sure that you are making a good investment. You also contribute directly to the climate goals set for 2030. Do you, like other successful entrepreneurs, want to earn money with your company roof? Then request a no-obligation consultation.

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