Waste not, want not.


Solutions Smart storage

You want to get the maximum benefit from all the green energy you generate. Sometimes it’s very sunny or windy and you generate more energy than you need, while at other times the sky is grey or there’s no wind. With energy storage, you can take a smart and flexible approach to green energy. This means you’ll always have enough energy available, waste less, avoid grid congestion and lower the costs of purchasing energy.

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Smart Storage

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Our solutions

Novar realizes large-scale storage of sustainable electricity using batteries, green hydrogen and heat.

Supply and demand

We are rapidly switching to green, locally generated energy. This demands innovative solutions to co-ordinate supply and demand. There is a surplus of green energy on sunny and windy days, energy that you can’t use and the electrical grid can’t fully absorb. On other days, you don’t generate enough energy and you need to purchase it at high prices.

By storing energy, you can respond flexibly to the demand for and supply of clean energy. Energy storage doesn’t affect the grid, balances your energy management and prepares your green energy system for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Novar provides smart storage solutions, from large batteries for green energy to electrolysers for hydrogen and e-boilers to store large quantities of heat. You decide what you need and we’ll fix it.

The importance of storage

Why storage is the start of a more sustainable business

Maximally benefit

Storage ensures that we can all benefit to the maximum from sustainably generated energy.

Optimally matched

With storage, you perfectly match supply and demand. This relieves the power grid and prevents grid congestion

90.000Solar panels on the ground
16 MWpPeak annual power
3.621Generation projects realized
Solar carport biddinghuizen SQUARE

Batteries for energy storage

With a large-scale battery, you decide when to use your green energy. Novar realizes smart battery systems, for companies, municipalities and grid operators. Our systems are modularly scalable and take up relatively little space. This storage collects electricity from various sources: solar, wind and, at favorable times, even from the grid.

With a large-scale battery, no generated energy goes to waste. And with smart curtailment, you even increase the value of your solar or wind power. Moreover, in case of curtailment - when the grid cannot handle the amount of solar energy, for example - we ensure that your solar farm does not have to shut down, by simply storing the surplus solar energy. For grid operators, battery storage is a smart solution to handle peak moments and prevent grid congestion.

Green hydrogen

Green electricity can be turned into green hydrogen with an electrolyser. Hydrogen is a sustainable fuel for applications such as heavy goods vehicles and industrial processes. Green hydrogen is easy to produce. In essence, you store electricity as a gas. When you use the hydrogen later, no CO2 is emitted.

Novar Produces green hydrogen and pumps it directly into customers' tubetrailers. The green electricity used for hydrogen production does not burden the network. This prevents congestion on the grid.

The green energy system

At Novar, we think in terms of green energy systems.
We realise assets, such as solar farms. Every asset we deliver is another green building block that can be linked to your existing and future assets. This allows you to create a green energy system for your company, step-by-step.

More on green energy systems


We believe that sustainable energy makes the world a better place.
That's why we realise projects to generate more energy
from green sources, including solar energy.

More about generating

Efficient energy use

Novar supplies PPAs, corporate PPAs and GOs, so you can be certain the electricity you use has been sustainably generated. The systems and services we supply are integrated smartly and adapted to your user profile.

More about using

Optimal management

Every solar farm, wind farm or solar roof should generate the maximum returns. We manage energy projects and keep them in good technical and financial health.

More on managing

Smart storage

Waste not, want not: we realise major sustainable energy storage projects with batteries, green
hydrogen and heat so clients can reap the maximum benefits from the green energy we generate together.

More about storage

The green energy system


Efficient energy use

Optimal management

Smart storage

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Do you want to work with us, do you have questions or do you want to pass on a change? Then contact us – we’re happy to help.

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