Visiting address
Emmasingel 4
9726 AH Groningen
You can use P+R parking garage Cascade Station Groningen.
Public transportation
From Groningen Station, our office is an easy 4-minute walk away.
Visiting address
Marten Meesweg 8
3068 AV Rotterdam
There is an option to park your car for free at our office. If you would like to take advantage of this, we can request a parking space for you in advance. Your contact from Novar can help you with this.
Public transportation
The nearest train station is Rotterdam Alexander. From there, our office is a 4-minute walk.
Visiting address
Jansbuitensingel 30
6811 AE Arnhem
We have free parking spaces underneath our office. Once you arrive at our office, please call us so we can open the garage door for you.
Public transportation
From Arnhem central station it is a good 10-minute walk. This is faster than by bus.