Power Purchase Agreement

Solutions Use efficiently Power Purchase Agreement

The Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is an important instrument for funding sustainable energy projects, including wind and solar projects. Novar has accumulated a great deal of knowledge and experience in this area. If you have a question or are looking for advice, we’re happy to help.

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Novar has in-house knowledge of PPAs

The SDE++ scheme will be phased out in the coming years. This means the PPA will become an increasingly important way of financing solar farms.

It allows us to guarantee a long-term market for the energy, while also giving the buyer stable and predictable energy costs throughout the contract period.

We have already realised many sustainable projects and we know how to arrange the best project financing with the best rates and conditions.

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The green energy system

At Novar, we think in terms of green energy systems.
We realise assets, such as solar farms. Every asset we deliver is another green building block that can be linked to your existing and future assets. This allows you to create a green energy system for your company, step-by-step.

More on green energy systems


We believe that sustainable energy makes the world a better place.
That's why we realise projects to generate more energy
from green sources, including solar energy.

More about generating

Efficient energy use

Novar supplies PPAs, corporate PPAs and GOs, so you can be certain the electricity you use has been sustainably generated. The systems and services we supply are integrated smartly and adapted to your user profile.

More about using

Optimal management

Every solar farm, wind farm or solar roof should generate the maximum returns. We manage energy projects and keep them in good technical and financial health.

More on managing

Smart storage

Waste not, want not: we realise major sustainable energy storage projects with batteries, green
hydrogen and heat so clients can reap the maximum benefits from the green energy we generate together.

More about storage

The green energy system


Efficient energy use

Optimal management

Smart storage

Want to tackle this challenge together?

Do you want to work with us, do you have questions or do you want to pass on a change? Then contact us – we’re happy to help.

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