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How do solar parks contribute to biodiversity and ecological value? And what is the role of ecological research? Read all about it here.

5-year study on effect of solar farm on local ecology
Biodiversity 2 min. reading time

5-year study on effect of solar farm on local ecology

Together with the University of Groningen and the Province of Groningen, Novar is facilitating a 5-year study of the effects of various solar farm designs on various plants, birds, mammals, insects and soils in the Province of Groningen. To this end, 15 of our solar parks will be monitored and the research results will be published publicly. Thus, any developer of solar farms can...

Biodiversity 1 min reading time
Ecology and biodiversity at a solar farm

In the development of solar parks, double functions of space are often sought. This makes sense, as solar farms generally take...

Biodiversity 1 min reading time
Ecological 0 measurement solar farm

To preserve and encourage biodiversity on and around our solar farms as much as possible, our solar farms are always placed on...

Biodiversity solar parks

The development of solar parks seeks to duplicate functions of space. This is understandable, given the scale of solar parks. It would be a shame to let opportunities for creating added value go unused. One of the opportunities for dual use of space is the creation of ecological added value. Especially on intensively used agricultural plots, the decline in the insect population (and with it other plant and animal species) has been a major problem for years.

Together with ecologists and landscape architects, we investigate how the design of solar parks can contribute maximally to the creation of ecological added value. Thus, with the advice of ecologists, our solar parks are landscaped. In doing so, we take local flora and fauna into account and the soil under the panels is sown with herb-rich grassland. By sustainably managing the solar parks, we expect to give a huge boost to various local (plant) species.

At this point, it is still an expectation, because there is almost no long-term scientific research on solar park design and ecology. We think it is important that landscape designs are substantiated and carefully done. That is why we are initiating a large-scale ecological study.

Together with the University of Groningen and the Province of Groningen, Novar is facilitating a 5-year ecological study of the effects of various solar farm designs on various plants, birds, mammals, insects and soils in the Province of Groningen. To this end, 15 of our solar parks will be monitored and the research results will be published publicly. In this way, every developer of solar parks can benefit from the knowledge gained!