Solar on roofs

Solutions Generation Solar panels company roof

Do you want to be the boss of your own energy? With solar panels on your company roof, you can. 100% sustainable electricity is financially attractive, reliable and contributes to a sustainable Netherlands. Novar makes the sun work for you. We realize large-scale solar projects on company roofs. So that you can do business sustainably.

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We also realize projects on challenging locations

We request your SDE without obligation

We realize solar roofs from 3,000 m2

Take control of your own energy

Do you suffer from high energy prices, have doubts about the security of energy supply or want to reduce CO2 emissions? Then choose your own energy generation with a solar roof for your company. This way you ensure yourself of a reliable energy supply, you reduce your CO2 emissions, you lower your energy bill and you make your organization more sustainable. You are the master of your own energy and prepared for the future.

Earning with your solar roof

Are you a business or property owner with a roof exceeding 3,000 m2? Then grasp this opportunity and make the sun work for you. No major investments are required: you decide whether to buy or lease solar panels or lease out your roof. You decide what’s right for you.

By generating your own sustainable energy, you can take specific steps towards realising the energy transition – for yourself, by working towards your sustainability goals and making your organisation future-proof, and for your clients, society and the world around us. With solar panels on your roof, you can make a positive impact: a win-win situation.

Entrepreneur Peter Plantenga opts for solar panels

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You decide, we'll fix it

We’re there for you every step of the way. Whether you outsource all the work to us or want to tackle it together, Novar will fix it – from design to financing and from construction to management, from A to Zero. We start by surveying your roof and checking your insurance and grid capacity. We apply for subsidies and permits and install the solar panels while you keep working as normal. If you wish, we can also take care of the management and maintenance. You decide and we’ll fix it.

We can also help you if you prefer to avoid all hassle and are satisfied with slightly lower returns, or indeed if you prefer to invest in solar panels as a business venture and stay in control. Novar offers a suitable solution for every business type.

Solar on roofs

The cost of solar panels for a business varies greatly. They depend on the type of panel chosen, the quantity of panels purchased and the lot from which they are purchased. There are three types of panels:

  • Monocrystalline solar panels: they have the highest efficiency, but they are also the most expensive.
  • Polycrystalline solar panels: the difference in efficiency between polycrystalline and monocrystalline solar panels runs to several percent.
  • Amorphous solar panels: this type of solar panel is the cheapest due to low production costs, but also has the lowest efficiency.

Efficiency versus yield is thus an important consideration for a solar roof. The final choice and cost are therefore different for each project.

Yes, there are subsidies for business solar panels. In addition to the standard SDE++ subsidy, there are often several additional subsidies in each region. Such as for the removal of asbestos, strengthening the roof structure or the purchase of lightweight panels. In this way, the government encourages making business premises more sustainable.

Yes! It is important to us that you have no inconvenience when Novar installs the solar panels on your company roof. You don't have to worry about productivity; we arrange everything on the roof so you can continue working underneath.

We focus specifically on roofs from 3,000 m2 and up. For roofs smaller than this area we unfortunately do not yet have a suitable solution.

At Novar, we offer several options for solar panels business. For example, it is also possible to rent out your company roof. You rent your roof to Novar and we turn it into a solar roof. You will be completely relieved of all your worries. Technical problems or maintenance? Novar is ready to take care of everything for you. Renting out your company roof to Novar can therefore be very interesting.

In addition to commercial roofs on industrial sites, large roofs are commonly found in the agricultural sector. Think of large stables, barns and greenhouses. These areas are also extremely suitable for generating sustainable solar energy. This makes a solar roof ideal for farmers. Thus, a farmer becomes not only an important supplier of our food, but also of our solar energy! A farm with 3,500 m2 of roof area can supply about 140 households with electricity for a year. The Netherlands has many agricultural roofs on which solar panels have already been installed. A picture that is also becoming more and more accepted in our Dutch landscape. But, that is now only a small percentage of all agricultural roofs. Therein lies an opportunity.

Do you actually have land available for solar panels? Then a solar park is just the right thing to do!

If your roof is not suitable for solar panels, it is almost always possible to make it suitable. Together we look for solutions to realize a solar roof. For example, by adapting the roof structure so that it can support a solar system. Or by looking for a creative solution to connect to the energy grid. We think in terms of solutions and are happy to work with you.

The yield of a solar roof, depends on the choices you make and the space you have. For example, will you rent out a roof for solar panels or invest in your own solar project? At Novar, there are several options for a solar roof at a minimum area of 3,000 m². Here's a calculation example: Do you rent out a roof of 3,000 m²? Then you will receive +/- €4,500 per year. After 16 years you will have earned €72,000. Wondering how much you can earn with your company roof? Schedule a no-obligation consultation.

In addition, a solar roof also provides (indirect) marketing revenue. As a result of a "green" appearance. Are you a landlord? Then you increase the attractiveness of the property for existing and future tenants.

The efficiency of your solar roof depends on several factors. Owning your solar roof means maximum returns. But also more risk and a lot of self-regulation. When renting out the roof, the return is lower, but so are the risks, the own investment and the worries. In addition, a combination is also a possibility.

Furthermore, the efficiency of your solar roof depends on the business case that can be made: how many panels can be put on the roof, how many hours of sunshine your roof has, etc. Solar energy is a profitable source of energy that has a high degree of financial security, thanks in part to the SDE subsidy.

No, usually no permit is needed to install solar panels on a roof. Very occasionally this is required because a solar roof then does not fit into the zoning plan. This may be the case with monuments or protected cityscapes, for example. Through the Omgevingsloket you can do a permit check for placing solar panels. Or read more in the leaflet Solar collectors and solar panels.

A solar roof doesn't have to cost anything. In fact, a solar roof makes money. Here you can choose several options.

If you choose to rent or lease your roof, no investment of your own is required. We take care of the installation and maintenance of the solar panels. You receive the returns and run no risk of your own. Do you want a higher return? Then you can choose to invest in your own solar roof, in which case we can also co-finance. It is also possible to choose a combination.

Depending on your needs, we look for a mutually beneficial collaboration.

Not every roof is suitable, but it can become so. We have listed some of the things that are important to determine if your roof is suitable:

  • Connectivity: The roof must be able to connect to the (future) energy grid.
  • Sufficient rooftop space: For a large-scale solar roof, the net roof area must be at least 3,000 square meters, which is essential for optimal efficiency.
  • Number of obstacles on the roof: It is desirable to have as few obstacles as possible such as vent pipes or skylights. This minimizes shadows on the roof and allows more sunlight to be captured.
  • Surrounding obstacles: Fewer surrounding obstacles such as other buildings or trees are also beneficial, as this results in less shade on the roof.
  • Strength of the roof structure: The structure must be able to support the panels.
  • Current roofing: The choice of solar panel system depends on the current roofing material.

With every solar roof application, we first do a feasibility study. There we look at various factors such as obstacles on the roof. Our technical designer calculates the net roof area and the most ideal arrangement for the solar roof to determine the solar yield. In addition, the roof structure and roof covering are also assessed by an independent engineering firm. Connection to the grid is of course also important, this is looked at by our grid specialists.

There are several reasons to choose a solar roof:

  • Future-proof premises: As an entrepreneur, you want to be able to continue doing business carefree, both in the short and long term. Sustainability plays an increasingly important role in this endeavor. With a solar roof you give substance to sustainability and increase the attractiveness of your business premises.
  • Financial benefit: As a business owner, you expect a return on your investment. Based on the current subsidy scheme, a solar roof currently offers an attractive return that is fixed for at least 16 years.
  • Laws and regulations: In 2019, companies, civil society organizations and governments concluded the Dutch Climate Agreement. The agreements made therein are increasingly being translated into concrete laws and regulations. The realization of solar roofs is a widely supported first step in this.
  • Desire of other stakeholders: the social urgency to become more and more sustainable is increasing. In addition to politics, your company's immediate environment also expects more and more in this area. By investing in a solar roof, you give a positive signal to the outside world and show that you are actively working on sustainability.


Do! Of course you want the highest possible return on your (business) property. With a roof full of solar panels, you benefit doubly. The extra income ensures a healthy future for your company, the substantial CO2 reduction and the generation of green electricity provides a healthy future for our planet. So making your roof available for solar panels is a good idea.

Looking at the long term, there are no costs associated with solar panels on your business premises. The costs that may be incurred depend very much on whether or not you, the roof owner, choose to invest. If you choose to rent out your roof, there are no costs associated with solar panels on your roof. What's more, your roof actually generates income. When you choose to invest in a solar roof, you obviously incur investment costs. But thanks, among other things, to subsidy schemes, you will earn this back and in the long run your solar roof will generate money.

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