Smart Storage
Smart Storage 1 min reading time

Understanding Smart Storage

Energy comes in different shapes and sizes. Generated energy you want to store, so you can use it later when demand exceeds the supply of energy that can be generated. For example, we store solar energy in batteries, but thermal storage also exists. We store hydrogen in a hydrogen battery. It takes a lot of knowledge to understand these topics. Read below how we can help you do that!

Help with Smart Storage

We are moving quickly through the energy transition. Sustainability is at the top of the priority list and efficiency is a necessity. Generated energy is not always needed immediately. On sunny days, more energy is often generated than is needed. In order to use this energy efficiently, it is stored. Solar parks will be equipped with batteries in the future. These batteries can be charged and discharged at the desired moments.

Our knowledge base now features many articles on storing energy. We know better than anyone how complicated this information can be. Terms are mentioned that you've never heard of. There is talk of regulations you didn't know existed. We want to make looking up the meanings of these terms easier for you. For this reason, we offer a glossary of terms. This list contains the most common terms of the Smart Storage theme.


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