solar farm w.a. Scholten foxhol

An attractive transition zone between industry and residential development

Projects Solar park W.A. Scholten - Middle Groningen

Solar farm W.A. Scholten has been constructed on the business park in Foxhol. The farm will provide electricity for more than 4,000 households.

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33.629Solar panels on the ground
13.8 MWpPeak annual capacity
4.137Households provided

Solar farm W.A. Scholten - Foxhol

Novar, in cooperation with Avebe, realized solar farm W.A. Scholten in January 2021 at the business park in Foxhol. The solar farm will provide electricity to over 4,000 households. The farm was commissioned in July 2021.

solar farm W.A. Scholten

Why this solar farm?

Municipality Midden-Groningen belongs to the energy region of Groningen. This region has also set targets to generate electricity sustainably in the various municipalities. Since the realization of this solar farm in 2021, it contributes to achieving these objectives.

The Water Board has also included in its coalition agreement that it will make its assets available to third parties for the generation of renewable energy. Through the agreement with Novar, the water board is fulfilling the coalition agreement.

In addition, this solar farm offers Foxhol residents an attractive alternative for the future. They are assured of a clean transition zone, without noise pollution between the companies and the homes. In fact, heavy industry can no longer settle at this location.

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In use

The park has been in operation since July 2021.

About this solar farm

Location of solar farm

The W.A. Scholten solar farm is located in Foxhol in the municipality of Midden-Groningen. It is located on the industrial estate, next to the Avebe potato starch factory. The solar farm is part of the 'Connecting Zone Foxhol', a buffer zone between industry and residential development.

How does this solar farm contribute to the energy transition?

With the realization of the solar farm, over 4,000 households can be supplied with renewable energy. This is equivalent to approximately 14 MWp of electricity per year. With this, solar farm W.A. Scholten contributes to the sustainability of the municipality of Midden-Groningen.

Ecological value created with green edge

On the east side of the solar farm, a green border has been introduced about 17 meters wide. This edge consists of forest-mantle-zoom planting. This creates a green image that takes the solar farm out of sight. In addition, the green edge is of great ecological value.

Sketch night forms basis of design

A sketch evening allowed all parties involved to share their dreams for the area. Three landscape architects were then commissioned, based on the results of the sketch evening, to work on a plan supported by residents, businesses and the municipality. The goal was to come up with a solution that strengthens the spatial quality and livability and is good for people, the environment, nature and business.
Furthermore, the possibility was offered to share in the proceeds of the solar park by means of ZonnepanelenDelen.

Solar farm W.A. Scholten - Foxhol

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Last edited January 19, 2024

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