On the ground

A solar farm on a former landfill site

ProjectsSolar farm De Boomgaard - Wijdemeren

Novar completed the development process in mid-2021 and solar farm De Boomgaard - Wijdemeren has been in operation since then.

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30.000Solar panels
6,5MWp of capacity generated per year
1.900Households provided

De Boomgaard - Wijdemeren

Solar farm De Boomgaard - Wijdemeren is located in the municipality of Wijdemeren and is thus part of the Regional Energy Strategy (RES) North Holland South. Following the climate agreement, this RES region aims to produce at least 2.7 TWh of renewable energy by 2030.

The location of the solar farm

The solar farm is located on the former landfill in Wijdemeren, near the village of Ankeveen. With Bussum on the east side, it is adjacent to the N236, next to Restaurant Partycentrum de Molen.

How can residents participate?

At the time of the initial developments towards the realization of the solar farm, Novar organized a walk-in evening for all interested parties and local residents. This evening took place at De Molen in Ankeveen. In an informal and accessible manner, Novar explained the various components of this project and entered into conversation with those present. During these conversations, visitors were able to express their ideas and wishes for the interpretation of the solar park. Where possible, these were included in the further realization of the solar park. 

What added value will the solar farm bring?

In the development of this solar farm, much attention has been given to its landscape incorporation. Here, existing landscape elements and structures are used to completely hide the solar farm from view.

Solar farm Wijdemeren

How does this solar farm contribute to the energy transition?

Solar farm De Boomgaard - Wijdemeren covers an area of over 6 hectares. On this piece of land there are nearly 30,000 solar panels that account for a capacity of 6.5 MWp. With this amount of electricity generated, about 1,900 households can be supplied with sustainable energy every year!

Our process

Where are we now?










In use

The solar farm began operation in 2021 and has been providing green power to the surrounding area ever since.

Last edited June 27, 2024

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