Doorwerth solar farm - renkum

A solar farm combined with agriculture and nature

Projects Doorwerth Solar Farm

Novar is developing a solar park in the municipality of Renkum. We are doing this in cooperation with energy cooperative ValleiEnergie. We both own 50% of the project. We want to develop a solar park that also has added value for the surrounding area. That is why we want to involve as many residents and stakeholders as possible and allow them to share in the benefits.

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28.000Solar panels on the ground
16 MWpPeak annual power
5.000Households provided

How will the layout be?

We want to develop the solar park in such a way that it fits in with the natural environment and adds value to nature and biodiversity. On the northern part of the solar field we want to combine solar panels with plenty of space for nature. On the southern part of the solar field we want to combine solar panels with space for arable farming between the panels.

Where will the solar farm be located?

The planning area for the solar park is an agricultural plot, located in the outlying area near Heelsum and Doorwerth, in the municipality of Renkum. On one side it borders the Heelsum Golf Club, and on the other side the Doorwerthse Heide, near the A50 motorway. The solar park will be about 20 hectares in size.

Where are we now in the process?

Currently, we are still in the early stages of the process. We have held initial discussions with residents, local interest groups and adjacent landowners. Then we submitted a plan for the municipal tender. In late March 2024, the municipality selected our plan to proceed toward the permit application.

This does not yet mean that we can start building the solar field. A participation process with the surrounding area now follows, studies must be carried out, and technical calculations and drawings must be made. Only when the permit has been submitted will the municipality decide on granting the permit.

Financial participation

The ValleiEnergie energy cooperative is co-owner of the project. They will organize the financial participation. This means that residents of the municipality of Renkum can invest and benefit from the proceeds of the solar park.

Want to know more about this project?

For more information about financial participation, to sign up for the newsletter, or to stay informed about all developments of the project we refer to the project page of ValleiEnergie: Doorwerthse Zonnehoeve - Vallei Energie


How does this solar farm contribute to the energy transition?

The solar park will is 20 hectares in size and will generate about 16MWp of electricity annually, which is equivalent to the consumption of 5,000 households. It is still being investigated whether the solar energy can be delivered to Parenco with a direct cable, or whether a battery will be installed at the solar park.

Our process

Where are we now?










In use

We are in the design phase of the project. We expect to submit a permit application to the municipality of Renkum in 2024.

Last edited April 24, 2024

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On the ground
On the ground Storage
On the ground

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