On the ground

Working with the energy cooperative

Projects Oirlo solar park - Leunen

Novar is working on a solar park initiative in the municipality of Venray. In doing so, we want to add ecological and social value to the environment.

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48.600Solar panels
6.850Households provided
32.5 MWpHouseholds provided

Oirlo - Leunen

Novar plans to develop a solar farm in the municipality of Venray. The plot is located east of the Beemdweg, along the A73, north of De Locht. Further to the west lies the Leunse Paes nature reserve in Leunen, and to the south the Hoogriebroekse Bos in Oirlo . With a proper incorporation of the solar farm we add landscape, ecological and social value to the environment. Obviously, the opinions of local residents, the village councils of Oirlo and Leunen, and the energy cooperative BeePower are very valuable in the development process and they are actively involved in the planning.

Characteristics of the solar farm

The planning area covers nearly 25 acres. Of this, about 14 hectares will be used for the technical plant generating renewable energy. This will generate renewable energy annually which can supply a third of the households within the municipality. In addition to generating renewable energy, about 11 hectares will be devoted to the development of local nature and biodiversity.

About 4.5 acres will be used for grassland between the rows and along the fencing. In addition, about 6.5 acres will be used for landscaping. This includes the installation of thicket, bird woods and flower and herb-rich grassland which will have a positive effect on the development of local flora & fauna. The currant-bearing thicket and bird woods provide nutrient-rich and sheltered areas that attract many birds and small fauna in particular. Specifically, the herb-rich grassland provides an increase in insects such as the wild bee, bumblebees and butterflies. Herb-rich grassland is not only sown on the edges of the solar farm, but also arises between the rows of panels.

Especially compared to the current situation where the plots are used for intensive arable farming, the transition to a quiet and nutrient-rich area will provide a huge increase in insects, birds and possibly other small animals living in and around the Leunse Paes and the Hoogriebroekse Bos. The development also fits well with landscape features associated with a Bronze Green Landscape Zone.  


For this solar farm, too, we are allowing the surrounding area to participate in terms of process and financially. We have already provided the initial details by holding several personal discussions with local residents and village councils during the first phase of planning. Among other things, these conversations have led to local residents and village councils being positive about our approach and the solar farm. We have also added a walking/hard-running path to the design in response to the signal about traffic unsafety on the Beemdweg, and the corner of the intersection of De Locht and the Beemdweg has been laid out as a public meadow with the possibility of a picking garden and a resting place with benches. An education point will possibly be set up at this spot where, for example, local residents and school classes will be informed about the solar farm, the generation of sustainable energy, carbon savings and the climate objectives.  

Locally owned solar farm

Energy cooperative BeePower and Novar signed a cooperation agreement in November 2020. The premise of this cooperation agreement is shared local ownership of the proposed solar farm.

As winner of the tender for solar farm within the municipality of Venray, Novar is working in close and transparent cooperation with various parties in the area: direct neighbors, the village councils of Oirlo and Leunen, and energy cooperative BeePower, to further shape the submitted plan.

The BeePower energy cooperative plays an important role in this. Together with the cooperative, Novar is investigating how local people can become co-owners of the solar farm. Together with BeePower, the goal is 50% local ownership. This form of participation is the ultimate example of how a solar farm can create local added value.

In addition, the solar farm will also provide social added value in other areas. For example, an environment fund will be set up with which sustainability and livability initiatives can be initiated in the villages concerned, nature development will take place on and around the solar farm, and the proposed solar farm will stimulate local employment. Examples include outsourcing mowing work.

BeePower speaking

"For us, local ownership is the ultimate example of how a solar farm can create social value. The energy cooperative BeePower stands for local participation, involvement and support. Together with Novar we realize and operate a solar farm that fits the characteristics and wishes of the area. Together with the neighborhood we strive for 50% ownership which gives us partial ownership and a say in the development, realization and operation of the solar farm. It is a pleasure to turn a plan into a reality together with Novar in complete transparency. A wonderful prospect."

Novar employees

How does this solar farm contribute to the energy transition?

This 25-acre solar farm, of which a net 14 acres will be used for renewable generation, can generate energy for one-third of the households within the municipality. The design will install 48,600 solar panels.

Our process

Where are we now?










In use

The design is ready and the permits have been arranged. We are currently finalizing financing so that the project can actually be realized.

Novar Novar
"Together with the surrounding area, we are aiming for 50% ownership which will give us partial ownership, and co-determination in the development, realization and operation of the solar farm."
- Energy cooperative Beepower
Novar Novar

Last edited February 14, 2024

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