Project subtitle

Renewable energy generation over water storage

Projects Otterpeel solar park - Maashorst

Novar is developing a solar park in combination with water storage in the Odiliapeel area. On February 8, 2024, we tendered for this in the municipal tender. We are developing a solar park that also has added value for the surrounding area. Therefore, we want to involve and benefit as many residents and stakeholders as possible.

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46.778Solar panels on the ground
33.5 MWpPeak annual capacity
10.671Households provided

What is the location of the solar farm?

The Otterpeel plan area is located in the Odiliapeel in Uden. The Odiliapeel is a wooded area in the Maashorst municipality, located in the agricultural landscape of North Brabant.

Novar chose this site based on the June 2021 policy memorandum on large-scale solar and wind energy generation in Maashorst. The project site is 19.8 hectares, of which we will use about 11.9 hectares for the solar panels. The remaining acres will be used for landscaping.

What does the solar park look like?

We want to develop the solar park so that it fits in with its surroundings. In the area surrounding the plan area, nature plays an important role. The location connects to the existing nature reserves Odiliapeelsebossen and Trentsebossen. With the landscape incorporation and the chosen ecological measures, the plan area strengthens local biodiversity.

The Water Board also indicates that the fragile nature in the area has difficulty retaining water. That is why we are designing the area for water storage, so that the rainwater can be retained longer. In this way we create added value for nature around the planning area.


Part of the project plan is the installation of an energy storage system (battery) at the solar park. At this solar park, we will realize a 10MW/40MWh battery. When the electricity grid is overloaded, the battery will be used to supply or withdraw stored electricity, thus preventing grid congestion.

Our process

Where are we now?

Currently, we are still in the beginning of the process. We have held initial discussions with the surrounding area and local interest groups, and a walk-in evening has been organized. The input collected has been incorporated into the project proposal where possible. On February 8, 2024, we submitted this project proposal for the municipal tender. In early May 2024, the municipality will let us know which projects can proceed in order to proceed with the development towards the permit application.

Planning continued participation process

Should the decision be made in our favor, this does not yet mean that we will be allowed to build the solar field. There will first be a participation process with the surrounding area, studies still need to be conducted, and technical calculations and drawings still need to be made. However, the municipality will only decide on granting the permit once it has been submitted.

Financial participation

When we are told in May that we may proceed with the permit application, we will take up further development with the local energy cooperative Uleco. They will become 50% local owners of the solar park. This means that residents of the Maashorst municipality will be able to invest and benefit from the proceeds of the solar farm through Uleco.

Do you have a question or want to know more about this project?

Perhaps you can immediately find the answer in the frequently asked questions about this solar farm: FAQ solar farm Otterpeel Feb 2024

For other questions or comments, please contact us at or


How does this solar farm contribute to the energy transition?

The energy task of the Maashorst municipality is 0.15 TWh in 2030. The municipality will fulfill this task with sustainable energy. Once solar panels have been installed on all suitable buildings in Maashorst (40% of the task) and 25% energy savings have been achieved, sustainable energy must also be generated on land in order to meet the targets. This remaining energy demand can be met by using 55 hectares of land for solar panels.

With an area of about 19.8 hectares and an expected generation of around 29,400 MWh/year, the Otterpeel solar park can make a valuable contribution to the energy transition.

Last edited February 15, 2024

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On the ground
On the ground Storage
On the ground

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