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Solar roof 3 min reading time

Preserving: here's how to start

We can well imagine that the energy transition feels like a big step. After all, where do you do the right thing? And where do you start? Is it worth the investment?

In our step-by-step plan, we give you insight and clarity, step by step. Together we look at whether investing in the energy transition is worthwhile for you. This is how Novar helps you find clear solutions for your situation. The end result: your own sustainable property or office building.

The steps you take (together with Novar) are divided into three phases:

● concept phase

● planning phase

● realization phase

In other words, you start with an idea and desire, we see together if it can be done, and if so, we get to work together. It couldn't be more difficult. To make the step-by-step plan even clearer, we explain the phases below:

Concept phase: from idea to smart energy solution

Future-proofing your property with smart energy solutions. You know you need to take steps, yet starting is difficult. There are endless ways to make your property more sustainable, and there's a lot of information out there. So how do you find out which of these options best suits your situation? And how do you know if what you read is correct? Our step-by-step plan takes you step by step through the different requirements and energy solutions.

Which property do you choose?

Everything starts with a suitable property. How do you choose a property that is suitable and also delivers? We help you choose the right property in the concept phase by asking you a number of questions.

Solar roof, solar carport or still electrification with a battery?

Each energy solution has its own advantages and disadvantages. A solar carport, for example, is a great solution for connecting parking, sustainable generation and electric charging. A battery matches supply and demand of electricity and lets you be smart about your energy management. So the "ideal energy system" is slightly different for everyone.

We get you more in control of your energy bill, without you having to figure everything out yourself. Step by step, we fix your energy transition."
Faris Muskadic Faris Musakadic - Business Developer

Is it worth the investment?

Novar has been active in making real estate more sustainable for more than 10 years. Together we discover what your ideal energy system looks like: whether that's a solar roof, battery or solar carport. We are happy to share our knowledge to help you with the energy transition. We help not only in choosing the energy system or building, but also by calculating the costs and profits together. Then you can choose whether we continue to the next phase: the planning phase.

Plan phase: from idea to concrete implementation

On the basis of the globally calculated concept, we are now going to further develop the sustainability plan. Is what we want technically feasible? How do we merge the separate energy solutions into a working green energy system? And what about financing?

From financing to licensing

Before we start construction, it's time to make a concrete plan. In it we include all the components, which are necessary for the realization of your green energy system.

We look at the financial aspects, such as financing, insurance and SDE subsidy. Also important: arranging the necessary permits and making arrangements with stakeholders.

In short, plenty to do. Here, too, Novar helps. We have the expertise to take care of everything for you. We even offer the possibility of financing the project. So you go from a global concept to a concrete sustainability plan for your green energy system.

We get you more in control of your energy bill, without you having to figure everything out yourself. Step by step, we fix your energy transition."
Dennis Leeflang Dennis Leeflang - Project Manager Ready to Build

Realization phase: building a sustainable future

The planning phase is complete. All the details have been filled in, the subsidy has been arranged so on to the realization phase: we are going to build. What was a big task is now, by taking small steps, almost a reality: your own sustainable building with a profitable green energy system.

During the construction of your green energy system, of course we make sure that you don't have any "trouble" with this. We carefully monitor the construction of the project and take immediate action in case of problems. During construction, we share milestones and successes with stakeholders.

We don't stop there. Even after the project is complete, we stay involved. This allows Novar to monitor and maintain your green energy system 24/7. Together, we aim for the shortest possible payback period, so that you achieve as much return as possible afterwards. And who knows, maybe there is even more return possible by making it even more sustainable. We can help you with that too.

And one thing is certain anyway: the benefit to the environment and your sustainable image as a property owner is immediate.

Take the step towards sustainability now

Take the first step towards sustainability by downloading this handy step-by-step plan. So that you and your real estate also contribute to the energy transition. At Novar we have the right knowledge to support you in this. You determine your goals, Novar takes care of it. From A to Zero.

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