Grants & funding
Grants & funding 3 min. reading time

SDE++ 2024: A new round full of opportunities

Good news for everyone involved in renewable energy projects! From September 10, 2024, the new subsidy round for the SDE++ (Stimulation of Sustainable Energy Production) will open. This year there is a special focus on innovations such as lighter solar panels for weak roofs. This means that roofs that previously seemed unsuitable now offer plenty of opportunities to contribute to a greener future.

How can I prepare for the application?

Wondering how to prepare? Start with a good inventory of your available roofs and their condition. Thanks to new technologies and mounting techniques, more roofs are now suitable than ever. Contact specialists who can assess whether your roofs are ready for this new generation of solar panels.

How much budget is available in 2024?

As much as €11.5 billion has been set aside for the 2024 round of openings. This higher budget encourages energy transition without losing sight of cost-effectiveness. Make sure your project proposal is sharp because there will be a lot of competition this time around. The government guarantees fair distribution and encourages projects that have both economic and ecological value.

How are grant amounts determined?

The subsidy amounts in the SDE++ depend on the CO2 reduction your project produces. In 2024 there are five phases, starting at € 75 per ton CO2 and going up to € 400. The earlier you submit your project within the round, the less competition there is left. So be quick about it. 

What about the new "gates" in 2024?

The so-called "hashes" are budget reservations within the SDE++ that ensure that technologies with higher subsidy intensity are addressed more quickly. In 2024, these hashes are increased to €1 billion for certain technologies, including heat transition and molecules. This promotes the development of different energy chains and ensures a more balanced energy transition.

What does this mean for my energy bill?

By investing in solar energy through the SDE++, you can save significantly on your energy costs. The government subsidizes the unprofitable top, the difference between market revenues and costs, making your investment profitable sooner. This gives you more control over your energy bill and contributes to a sustainable future.

What are the main changes in the 2024 SDE++ compared to last year?

One of the most notable changes in the 2024 SDE++ is the increased focus on technologies that were previously less attractive due to higher costs or technical complexity. With the introduction of higher hashes, specific budget is set aside for projects essential to the long-term transition, such as advanced renewable fuels and certain forms of heat generation. This year there is also a strong emphasis on encouraging solar energy on weaker roofs, providing an immediate opportunity for building owners who previously thought solar panels were not an option.

How can I estimate whether my project is eligible for SDE++ subsidy?

To assess whether your project qualifies, it is important to look at the CO2 reduction it achieves and whether it fits within one of the specific categories supported by the government. The Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) offers tools and guidelines to make an initial assessment (see also this letter from the government). In addition, it is advisable to consult an advisor in renewable energy who has experience with SDE++ applications. Novar 's advisors will be happy to help you with this. We can help optimize your proposal and help you navigate through the documentation and set requirements.

Can I combine the SDE++ subsidy with other subsidies or financing?

Yes, it is possible to combine SDE++ subsidies with other financial support measures, as long as these other subsidies do not overlap with the costs already covered by the SDE++. This means that your project can benefit from additional regional or European subsidies, aimed at innovation or regional economic development, for example. Combining subsidies requires careful planning and administration. Our experts will be happy to tell you all about this. 

Why now is the right time to invest in renewable energy

With government targets to achieve at least 55% CO2 reduction by 2030, now is the perfect time to invest. The SDE++ offers not only financial support, but also an incentive to be part of the transition to a more sustainable society. Each project contributes to these goals and strengthens your company's image. Want to know more? Then please also contact us.

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