Solar farm Boxtel - Beerze

Jointly shaping sustainable generation in Boxtel

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Working together to develop Solar Park Boxtel-Beerze

The municipality of Boxtel has the ambition to be an energy neutral municipality in 2030. One of the steps taken by the municipality of Boxtel is to issue a tender for the realization of solar parks. Several initiatives applied and were assessed by a broad independent committee.

Novar's initiative is one of the plans that were selected and allowed to develop further towards a permit application. The proposed solar park is located south of the Scheepdonkseweg, between the Beerze and the Loxvenseweg, near industrial area Ladonk.

Energiecoöperatie Boxtel and Energiecoöperatie Dommelstroom are working with Novar to further develop Zonnepark Boxtel-Beerze.

Our process - Where are we now and what has been done?

We are in the design phase of the project, and we are in the process of applying for the permit. In the summer of 2023, we started informing and involving the surrounding area. Kitchen table discussions were held, two residents' evenings were organized, and discussions were held with various local parties. On September 3, we will hold a public information meeting to inform about the plan we are submitting for the permit. After that, there is still an opportunity to submit views.

20.000Solar panels on the ground
13 MWpPeak annual power
4.230Households provided

Residents' evening for first circle of residents May 22, 2024

On May 22, Novar organized a residents' evening for the first circle of local residents. The residents living closest to the planning area were invited to this evening. During the evening there was a poster presentation where residents could talk to people from Novar and express their questions and ideas. There were 27 residents in attendance. Novar is now moving forward with the development of the landscaping plan, using the input residents have provided.

Documents from the May 22, 2024 resident meeting:

Public information evening June 26, 2023

An information evening was held for the first time at the Orion on June 26, 2023.

You can read the report here:

Can residents still have input on the plan?

Residents and other interested parties are actively invited to give their opinions on the design and landscaping, and to share their ideas and wishes with us. We are trying to use all the input to improve the plan for the solar park, so that the solar park fits in well with the surroundings and there is also enough room to strengthen biodiversity in the area. In addition, residents can contribute ideas on how they want to participate financially.

Can residents also participate financially?

Novar cooperates with residents' cooperatives from Boxtel and Sint-Michielsgestel: Energiecoöperatie Boxtel and Energiecoöperatie Dommelstroom will work together to organize financial participation for residents in the area. Thus, it will soon be possible for residents to co-invest in the solar park. There is also the possibility to set up a project cooperative, if there are residents who are interested and want to pull the cart.

Our process

Where are we now?










In use

We are in the design phase of the project. With input from local stakeholders, we are in the process of fleshing out the plan. Since July 1, we have been in the process of submitting the permit.

How does a permit application work?

Last edited July 8, 2024

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On the ground
On the ground Storage
On the ground

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