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A fair distribution of benefits and burdens

Knowledge base A fair distribution of benefits and burdens

Novar wants to create locally accepted solar parks. We do it together! Our solar parks are spatially and socially incorporated so that we create the greatest possible social support. 

Solar farm and living environment

A solar farm takes up a lot of space and can affect someone's immediate living environment. When this is the case, we believe we should compensate these local residents. Compensation can for example take the form of solar panels at purchase price, discount on energy bills, free bonds in the solar park, making the house more sustainable, etc.

Also, there are non-direct neighbors who do not need compensation directly, but are important for support because they live or are active elsewhere in the municipality. They participate in process and plan participation. Think of local knowledge for realizing ecological added value and a possible desire for a "detour. We believe that these stakeholders can participate in residents' evenings and in a possible sounding board group. If the group of non-direct neighbors want to share more actively in the proceeds, we are always open to that.

An example here is cooperation with an energy cooperative. However, this also brings with it the entrepreneurial condition that they share in the project risks and burdens. In short, part of the risks and pre-investment are then borne by them pro rata. If local residents only wish to participate financially without high risks, this can be done via bonds. We are actively working together with on this . 

Who make up the environment? 

What is "local" can vary from project to project. In any case, it is up to the competent authority and the initiator to discuss this with each other. They can do this in consultation with local stakeholders, such as a local energy cooperative. Legally, local residents within a radius of 250 meters are considered stakeholders. Usually Novar distinguishes here between direct residents and indirect residents and stakeholders. Especially in large municipalities, reasonably not the entire municipality is entitled to relief.

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